Great Teachers | Harvard's Great Teachers
Harvard's great teachers speaking about what matters most to them - teaching and learning in the classroom and on campus. Harvard University students speaking about what it means to be taught by...
View ArticlePourrir ou mûrir ? - Jobineries
You'll need to understand French to learn from this story. It'll be worth your time. Depuis quelques semaines, un gros buzz sur le web consiste en cette expérience de «pourriture» du web mise en place...
View ArticleThe Center for Faculty Excellence @ UNC: Classroom Activities for Active...
Under a learning-centered approach, the instructor retains “control” of the classroom, but thought is regularly given to: (a) how well students will learn the material presented, and (b) the variety of...
View ArticleHybrid Pedagogy: A Digital Journal on Teaching & Technology | Articles
Hybrid Pedagogy is an academic and networked journal on teaching and technology that combines the strands of critical and digital pedagogy to arrive at the best social and civil uses of technology and...
View ArticleJITP CUNY The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy —
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (JITP CUNY) is an interdisciplinary academic journal whose mission is to promote open scholarly discourse around critical and creative uses of...
View ArticleStudy: It's not teacher, but method that matters | Teaching and Learning...
Who's better at teaching difficult physics to a class of more than 250 college students: the highly rated veteran professor using time-tested lecturing, or the inexperienced graduate students...
View ArticleSingle Best Way to Transform Classrooms of Any Size! | HASTAC
It may sound like I'm selling snake oil, but I actually do have one trick that, at no cost, can transform your classroom or public speaking event, whether a seminar or a lecture, whether for 8 year...
View ArticleInstructional Strategies
Instructional methods are used by teachers to create learning environments and to specify the nature of the activity in which the teacher and learner will be involved during the lesson. While...
View ArticleGoogle World Wonders Project
From the archaeological areas of Pompeii to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, Google’s World Wonders Project aims to bring to life the wonders of the modern and ancient world.See it on, via Learning
View ArticleGet Ideas | Center for Instructional Technology
ExamplesFind out how other Duke faculty use technology in their teaching in our examples section. AssessmentAssessment frequently refers to the measurement of individual student learning outcomes or...
View ArticleThe Curated One-Stop Hub for Learning Video: Mobento
Robin Good: Mobento is a hub of curated educational video clips integrating a special search engine capable of finding any word spoken inside the video collection and of visualizing where the words...
View ArticlePersonalised and self regulated learning in the Web 2.0 era
International exemplars of innovative pedagogy using social software.See it on, via Learning
View ArticleTeaching Strategies | Facing History and Ourselves
Darren Kuropatwa's insight:"Use student-centered teaching strategies that nurture students' literacy and critical thinking skills within a respectful classroom climate. The strategies suggested here...
View ArticleTechnology In Education: A Brief Introduction
A brief introduction to fundamental aspects of using technology in education.Darren Kuropatwa's insight:Ruben Puendetura describes in his own words how his SAMR model (Substitution, Augmentation,...
View ArticleIMAP: Integrating Mathematics and Pedagogy
Integrating Mathematics and Pedagogy (IMAP) is a federally funded (IERI), 3-year project designed to integrate information about children's thinking about mathematics into mathematics content courses...
View ArticleAZk12 - Professional Development for Educators
Darren Kuropatwa's insight:A useful guide, with video exemplars, for teachers thinking about how to meaninguflly use technology to support teaching & learning in the classroom.The Technology...
View ArticleThe Goals of Mathematical Education » Mathematically Sane
Darren Kuropatwa's insight:Few people have ever had the depth of understanding of George Polya about teaching, learning and pedagogy; especially as it applies to mathematics."I wish to talk to you...
View ArticleDylan Wiliam - Views from leading thinkers - Journey To Excellence
Darren Kuropatwa's insight:A thoughful collection of short videos of Dylan William discussing research based practices around formative assessment, creativity, personalised learning, metacognition and...
two minute mathematics educationDarren Kuropatwa's insight:Two minute video mashups of math & pedagogy. This is where the rubber hits the road. Outstanding resource. Even better, contribute your...
View ArticleOvercoming The Illusion of Understanding | Common Craft
Darren Kuropatwa's insight:"The process of trying to make a subject understandable for others helps me see it from a new perspective. This is one of the more powerful aspects of explanation that is...
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